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How to Become a Substitute Teacher in NYC​

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How to Become a Substitute Teacher in NYC

We require NYC substitute teachers consistently to fill temporary teacher vacancies. An ideal candidate propels learning along the continuum, typically defined by the absent full-time teacher.

So if you’re eager to discover how to become a substitute teacher, begin by familiarizing yourself with the NYC substitute teaching requirements. The following information elucidates the numerous prerequisites associated with substitute teaching in NYC DOE public schools. If your ambition is to teach in the coming weeks, explore opportunities in private, charter, international, or other NYC schools. Furthermore, you can browse School Professional’s jobs and benefits information.

Filling Open NYC Sub Teacher Jobs

 NYC substitute teacher pay per day fluctuates significantly, contingent on the school or substitute teacher agency. Several factors play a crucial role in determining your daily wage. These factors comprise your licensure status, level of experience, and whether you have retired as a former teacher. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that numerous other variables and stipulations influence your compensation.

Substitute Teacher Requirements

There’s a lot of conflicting information online about the qualifications and requirements for many substitute teacher jobs in the city. When in doubt, refer to the official New York City Department of Education website for general information.

Becoming a substitute teacher in NYC entails several important responsibilities:

• Promoting positive student behavior is paramount.

• Cultivating a safe and conducive learning environment is essential.

• Teaching lessons effectively to the students is a primary duty.

• Planning lessons when needed is also part of the role.

• Managing the classroom with proficiency is vital.

• Ensuring the security of all students is a top priority.

• Performing necessary administrative tasks when required is expected.

Although this is not an exhaustive list of duties you’ll likely encounter as a substitute teacher, it provides a general idea of what to expect.

The Fine Print

First, some websites claim that New York City doesn’t require a college degree or a license for substitute teachers. Please note, this is not entirely accurate.

Secondly, to work in the public school system, the New York City Department of Education provides clear guidance. To become a substitute teacher, you must:

• Possess legal authorization to work in the United States.

• Demonstrate proficiency in writing, reading, and speaking the English language.

• Hold a bachelor’s degree.

• Secure an online nomination from a school principal.

These requirements represent the minimum criteria and are specific to the NYC DOE school district. In contrast, to work as a substitute in schools outside the public school system, no license or online nomination from a school principal is needed.

New York State Requirements to Become a Substitute Teacher

The New York State Education Department states that the city does require substitutes who are employed by the city’s department of education to hold a city substitute teacher license. Moreover, you do not need a license to work outside of the public school system.

NYC Substitute Teachers License

According to the state of New York, substitute teachers fall into one of three categories. These categories are divided according to the credentials a substitute teacher has:

• Substitute teachers with a valid teaching certificate

• Substitute teachers who are working toward certification

• Substitute teachers who don’t have certification and are not working toward it

Your credentials will determine the extent that you are legally allowed to work as a substitute teacher for public schools in the state of New York. This includes in New York City.

NOTE: These credentials, while helpful, have no bearing on your ability to substitute teach outside of the NYC DOE public school system. Therefore, if you are subbing in private, charter, international, or other schools outside of the public school system, there are no restrictions on the number of days you can work.

Substitute Teachers with a Valid Teaching Certificate

Now, if you have a teaching certificate, you are allowed to work for any number of days in any capacity. Yet, if you work for more than 40 days for a school district in NYC, you need to be employed in the area for which you are specifically certified.

Substitutes Without a Teaching Certificate Who Are Working Toward One

To qualify for this category in NYC, you must be taking no fewer than six semester hours per year. You can work any number of days in any capacity and in any number of school districts. But, if you are employed by a district for longer than 40 days, it must be in the area for which you are working toward certification.

Substitutes With No Teaching Certificate Who Are Not Pursuing One

In this case, you cannot work for longer than 40 days for a district under normal circumstances. However, through the 2022–2023 school year, there are exceptions. If you don’t have a certificate but do have a high school diploma or its equivalent, you can work for up to 90 days total. This is permissible if the district has in good faith searched for certified candidates to no avail.

NYC Substitute Teacher Pay Per Day

There are many different numbers floating around regarding the pay of a substitute teacher in NYC. However, for the NYC Department of Education the official effective daily rate of pay for a substitute teacher as of February 1, 2019, was $188.75. On May 14, 2020, that rose to $193.47. As of May 14, 2021, the daily NYC substitute teacher pay per day rose to and stands at $199.27. This amount applies to actual days worked. Pay rates will be different when working outside of the public school system.

There are no benefits received through the state or the city for substitute teachers. However, applying and working through School Professionals does offer benefits, such as minimum essential coverage health insurance, 401k, and childcare assistance to NYC substitute teachers.

Apply to NYC Substitute Teachers Positions Today!

If you’re ready to apply today to be a substitute teacher in NYC, check out School Professionals. We are an organization that connects substitute teachers to the NYC  private and charter schools that need them.

Benefits are available through School Professionals, even though the city and state provide no benefits for substitute teachers.

We have more than 400 substitute teachers serving schools every day. We offer direct-hire, per-diem, short-term, and long-term staffing support. Check out our online tools and services available through our website and our mobile app. This includes online reporting, electronic time capture, and more.

As a recipient of the Clearly Rated Best of Staffing Award, School Professionals is ready to help you find the best substitute teaching jobs in NYC. Browse our jobs and benefits information and apply with us today!

to substitute teacher jobs in NYC

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