Years of experience
Have found work through our company
0 k+
Employees on assignment each week
0 +
Employees on average each year
0 +

Explore our specialties and find employees

For more than 60 years, we have helped hiring managers find employees across a broad spectrum of specialties. As an award winning staffing agency, we help managers secure all types of employees – short-term contracts, long-term contracts, and permanent hires.

Social Services, Nurses, APPs, and more.

Substitute Teachers, Assistants, and more.

Controllers, Staff Accountants, and more.

Developers, Data Scientists, and more.

Attorneys, Paralegals,
and more.
Marketing, Web Design,
and more.

Waiters, Bartenders, Cooks, Utility, and more.

School Nurses and Paraprofessionals.

Customer Service, Shift Supervisors, and more.

CXOs, Vice Presidents, and strategic hires.

Greeters, Registration, Monitors, and more.

Generalists, Coordinators, and more.

Why Choose Us for Your Staffing Needs?

While there are very few companies that can offer clients a truly broad range of skill sets, we can. We’re comprised of multiple specialized divisions, each staffed with individuals possessing years of hands-on industry experience. 

By having similar backgrounds to both our clients and the professionals we place, our internal staff understands the nuances and can select precisely the right individuals for the job. They can also proactively identify innovative ways of assisting our clients, and develop the appropriate systems or programs to translate these ideas into reality.

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Our Mission

When TemPositions first opened in 1962, our mission was to place top quality talent at the most desirable firms to work. While many things have changed over the past 60 years, our mission has always remained constant. We believe that we have a responsibility to our employees and clients to find the best fit for each of them and continually strive to make those matches happen the only way we know how, with honesty, respect and efficiency.

Ready to speak with a TemPositions recruiter?

What Makes Us Better? Better Staffing Through Better Technology.

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Our eRatings system ensures quality employees every time

Site Visits
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Ongoing site visits help us to take a proactive approach

solving issues
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Large or small employee issues are addressed immediately

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Our eCheckIn system works like a digital punch clock

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Our Recruitment Process

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Artificial intelligence enhanced resume screening technology parses submitted resumes and compares experience against the job description to determine a match.

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Screening chat bots engage the candidates and determine their fit.

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Candidates who pass this screening are then invited to a webcam interview through an automated interview scheduling tool. Only 5% of candidates make it through this process.

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Candidates passing the interview stage are then invited to complete our employment application using our eRegister electronic system. After completion, the candidate is entered into our available employee pool.

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